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defaults read

How to find modified preference values

My recent tip about using Keyboard Maestro to toggle the visiblity of hidden items in Finder (which turned out to be irrelevant for Sierra users; just hold ⌘⌥.) works by checking a hidden macOS preferences setting. In this case, I checked for the existence of the AppleShowAllFiles key, which let me toggle the visiblity of invisible files based on the result of the check.

Controlling a macro—or a shell script or AppleScript—by checking (visible or hidden) preference values can be very useful. But how do you find out the name of the preference you need to check, and in which domain (preferences file) you'll find it? Hidden prefs are actually easiiest, because the command you use to write them tells you both the preference name and its location. For the hidden files in Finder tip, for instance, the command is this:

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

So to check that in a script, I just need to save the results of defaults read AppleShowAllFiles into a variable, and I can then take action based on the variable's value. But what about a normal pref, in an application (or in System Preferences)? Say you wanted to check whether Apple's Pages app was set to show its rulers in inches or centimeters…

Why would you want to know this setting? I don't know, I was just trying to come up with an example. Just go with it…

How do you find out the key name associated with that particular preference, and what file it's stored in? I use a couple of different methods.

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